Gaytes Information Systems Private Ltd., a company that provides adaptable state of the art technology that fulfills all customers’ requirement in real time. Over 14 years of experience with comprehensive communication package designed to meet extensive telecom solutions allowing easy scalability with unbeatable price performance.
GAYTES expertise in providing the complete range of telecom products starts from Call Accounting, Operator Console, Voicemail, IVRS, Call Center Solutions (Inbound, Outbound and Blended), Dialer Solution, Auto Dialer, Progressive Dialer, Predictive Dialer, Preview Dialer, Meet-me-Conference (On Analog Lines / PRI Line), Voice Loggers (Analog Logger, Digital Logger, PRI Logger, VOIP Logger, Web Based Logger), Pri Voice Logger on Asterisk, FAX Servers, Voice Mail Solution, IVRS, SMS Solutions, Hotel Management Software, Attendance Management Solution, CRM Applications, Screen Pop-up Solutions, Outsourcing Services (BPO, KPO) Auto Reminder, and other CTI Solutions.
Gaytes :: On Asterisk launching and executing various exciting Asterisk based solutions: IP PBX, Loggers, Dialers (Progressive and Predictive :: Inbound . Outbound . Blended), Call Centers and Contact Centers, IVRS and Unified Messaging Solutions, Fax Servers and Fax-On-Demand Solutions, Conference Bridge and various CTI Applications and Solutions.
We have been providing CTI solution for businesses to manage workforce, departments, customers, processes and performance parameters to wide spectrum of global customers. We continue to obtain new Global customers and successfully implement new customized software solutions. With branch office spread across India and overseas branches in USA, Singapore and Dubai, we serve customers locally.
We believe in total customer’s satisfaction not just products without the required services and supports to customers are worthless. Our engineered products and services are based on research not on inevitable parameters.